मंत्र हटी "वज्रासत्त्व"
"ॐ वज्र सत्तो हुंग:"
ha ha ha ha hoḥ हा हा हा हा होह
oṃ vajrasattva samayam anupālaya (oṃ Vajrasattva! Preserve the bond!)
Vajrasattva tvenopatiṣṭha (As Vajrasattva stand before me.)
dṛḍho me bhava (Be firm for me.)
sutoṣyo me bhava (Be greatly pleased for me.)
supoṣyo me bhava (Deeply nourish me)
anurakto me bhava (Love me passionately)
sarva siddhiṃ me prayaccha (Grant me siddhi in all things,)
sarvakarmasu ca me cittaṃ śreyaḥ kuru hūṃ (And in all actions make my mind most excellent. hūṃ)
ha ha ha ha hoḥ (ha ha ha ha hoḥ)
bhagavan sarvatathāgatavajra mā me muñca (Blessed One! Vajra of all the tathāgatas! Do not abandon me.)
vajrū bhava mahāsamayasattva āḥ (hūṃ phaṭ) (Be the Vajra-bearer, Being of the Great Bond! āḥ (hūṃ phaṭ))
Vajrasattva is pure white in colour and is sometimes known as the Prince of Purity. His name means "Adamantine Being", or more poetically "Embodying Reality". He is a member of the Vajra family of Akṣobhya which also includes Vajrapāṇi.
He is depicted as a young man in the prime of life, with all the silks and jewels of a wealthy prince. In his right hand he delicately balances a vajra at his heart. In his left had he holds a bell at his waist. The vajra represents Reality, and Compassion; while the bell represents Wisdom.
In some mandalas Vajrasattva represents the Ādibuddha or the Primordial Principle of Buddhahood; in others he changes places with Akṣobhya in the East. In Shingon Buddhism it is Vajrasattva that passes on the initiation of the Dharmakāya Buddha Mahāvairocana to Nāgārjuna, thereby creating the Vajrayāna lineage.
In the mūla-yogas the practitioner carries out a set of four pactices 100,000 times. One of these is visualising of Vajrasattva and repeating his 100 syllable mantra 100,000 times which helps to purify the karma of the person intending to go on to the tantra proper. Completing these practices is seen as essential prior to receiving initiations or ordination in some Tibetan lineages.
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